*Larita Kutsarita - n. see THE AUTHOR
*Spoonfuls - n. articles/dispatches/scribbles by Larita Kutsarita
(Background photo by Aiess Alonso)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gearing Up as UP STRIKES BACK in 2011

After shooting "Mitsa," a short film by UP Sining at Lipunan (SILIP) that portrays the effects of the budget cuts in education and other social services 

After shooting "Mitsa," a short film by UP Sining at Lipunan (SILIP) that portrays the effects of the budget cuts in education and other social services

After shooting "Mitsa," a short film by UP Sining at Lipunan (SILIP) that portrays the effects of the budget cuts in education and other social services

Breaktime: Angry Birds

Students, faculty, workers, and the administration staff of the University of the Philippines - Diliman partake in a Unity March on 14 September 2011 to protest against the budget cuts in education and other social services. Predominantly in black. 

"UP, STRIKE BACK!" - UP Sunken Garden

Students wear band-aid inspired props.
A student show his love for current UP President Alfredo Pascual. Pascual has been a staunch supporter of the fight for greater education subsidy and is one of the most progressive pro-student UP president in history--especially after replacing the former president, Emerlinda Roman, whose regime approved the UP Charter and the 2006 Tuition and Other Fees Increase (TOFI) among other repressive school policies.

When there's no other way out, look to your left.

High school students also join in the fight. This is, after all, mostly for them: the future Iskolar ng Bayan.

Photos by the UP Sining at Lipunan (UP SILIP)

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