No to “Art for Art’s sake.”
For almost 7 years now, UP Sining at Lipunan (UP SILIP) has believed in and lived up to this mantra. We believe that Art should be on the walls and in the streets for all the masses to see, not isolated in private gallery exhibitions. Art shown in public screens and cinemas has to make sense to the people. Art must disturb, yes, but it has to disturb sensibly. For if a certain piece of art cannot be understood by the masses, then that art is futile. Art must never be dogmatic, chained to rules and guide questions. Instead, it must be open to discussion, dialogue, and discourse. Most of all, Art must mirror the larger society, for it is only through this purpose that Art changes, discovers its soul, and connects with those of the people.
We at UP SILIP not only provide avenues for various kinds of art, especially in the film genre, as well as fora and discussions for free exchange of ideas. Most importantly, this university-wide organization of artists carries the principles of genuine social change. We believe that “good quality education” does not exactly mean “expensive,” especially in a state university that must be granted greater state subsidy and not mere income-generating projects and commercialization efforts. Students should have the freedom to study in and beyond their classrooms and not get arrested and/or killed for reasons that even the law cannot justify. These and many more principles are the ones that have kept UP SILIP fighting and thriving for seven years.
In its 13 years of existence, the Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP (STAND-UP) has likewise proven that rights must be fought and lobbied for. STAND-UP and UP SILIP share the same vision for genuine social change. It may begin in the campus but it most certainly does not end here.
We at UP SILIP offer our full support and loyalty to STAND-UP, not just because we admire and believe in their candidates. The candidates and party members of STAND UP, after all, obtain their competence from real service to the real student force. They are not only running for offices, but upholding the very principles that we should all fight for. It is time to get enlightened, raise our fists, and join the real student struggle.
Sumipat. Mamulat. Maglingkod. Makibaka. STAND-UP Straight!

For almost 7 years now, UP Sining at Lipunan (UP SILIP) has believed in and lived up to this mantra. We believe that Art should be on the walls and in the streets for all the masses to see, not isolated in private gallery exhibitions. Art shown in public screens and cinemas has to make sense to the people. Art must disturb, yes, but it has to disturb sensibly. For if a certain piece of art cannot be understood by the masses, then that art is futile. Art must never be dogmatic, chained to rules and guide questions. Instead, it must be open to discussion, dialogue, and discourse. Most of all, Art must mirror the larger society, for it is only through this purpose that Art changes, discovers its soul, and connects with those of the people.
We at UP SILIP not only provide avenues for various kinds of art, especially in the film genre, as well as fora and discussions for free exchange of ideas. Most importantly, this university-wide organization of artists carries the principles of genuine social change. We believe that “good quality education” does not exactly mean “expensive,” especially in a state university that must be granted greater state subsidy and not mere income-generating projects and commercialization efforts. Students should have the freedom to study in and beyond their classrooms and not get arrested and/or killed for reasons that even the law cannot justify. These and many more principles are the ones that have kept UP SILIP fighting and thriving for seven years.
In its 13 years of existence, the Student Alliance for the Advancement of Democratic Rights in UP (STAND-UP) has likewise proven that rights must be fought and lobbied for. STAND-UP and UP SILIP share the same vision for genuine social change. It may begin in the campus but it most certainly does not end here.
We at UP SILIP offer our full support and loyalty to STAND-UP, not just because we admire and believe in their candidates. The candidates and party members of STAND UP, after all, obtain their competence from real service to the real student force. They are not only running for offices, but upholding the very principles that we should all fight for. It is time to get enlightened, raise our fists, and join the real student struggle.
Sumipat. Mamulat. Maglingkod. Makibaka. STAND-UP Straight!